Szeged scored just 3 goals for his son from Veszprém

[ad_1] After unexpected excitement, Mol-Pick Szeged defeated Veszprém KKFT 28-25 in the men’s NB I handball match on Friday. Ad The problem of the Benedictine Bánhidi meeting with the youth of Veszprém (Photo: István Kuklis / Southern Hungary, file) Although the Veszprém youths won 29-27 in the first round as …

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At Home: Orderly Immediate Disinfection at Kamaraerdei Road Nursing Home

[ad_1] At home: Immediate orderly disinfection at the Kamaraerdei Road nursing home | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ba05ea28-dc84-4df9-a9e1-352627145eb5″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Intenzíven terjed a vírus Franciaországban.”,”shortLead”:”Intenzíven terjed a vírus Franciaországban.”,”id”:”20200911_franciaorszag_fertozott_napi_esetszam_koronavirus”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”c19b5ce2-ffc5-4b1a-ab9c-8dae0a2987eb”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20200911_franciaorszag_fertozott_napi_esetszam_koronavirus”,”timestamp”:”2020. szeptember. 11. 05:38″,”title”:”Újabb negatív rekord: közel 10 ezer új fertőzött …

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Mask adjustment on BKK flights has already taken effect

[ad_1] The willingness to wear a mask on public transport in Budapest is again close to 100 percent, the Budapest Transport Center said on Friday. It was recalled that based on the decision of the operational staff of the capital, BKK has reinforced the control of the mandatory use of …

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