Video: Cristiano Ronaldo scored his first goal in minute 20

[ad_1] The current champion of Italy’s main soccer league, Juventus, began his preparations for the new season with a match against third-rate Novara, and in the 20th minute, Cristiano Ronaldo already scored the first hit of the new season of clubs. Cristiano Ronaldo started the new club season well (Photo: …

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At home: According to Christmas, Budapest not only does not have 100 billion, but the city is 150 billion less

[ad_1] At home: Budapest not only does not have 100 billion by Christmas, but the city is 150 billion less | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ab2e65ae-aede-4f85-bbdc-be04e04b77c8″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Már több, mint 11 ezer beazonosított fertőzés történt Magyarországon, az aktív …

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Reaction to the provocations of Ferenc Gyurcsány and Momentum

[ad_1] Csaba Dömötör, the parliamentary secretary of state in the Prime Minister’s Office, reacted to provocations from Ferenc Gyurcsány and Momentum on Facebook, we show. “Ferenc Gyurcsány and his associated auxiliary team, Momentum, were back in action. Looking at them, it is quite clear that the left will continue in …

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Young people saved an organist in Gyula

[ad_1] He was lucky for Gyula’s organist, who thanks the young bathers who can still play their favorite instrument. Gyula’s organist went out for a walk with his dog to the local dam. They go a lot, there has never been a problem before. However, that day:When we got to …

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World: Austrian Chancellor: “Autumn and winter will be difficult for everyone”

[ad_1] World: Austrian Chancellor: “Autumn and winter will be difficult for everyone” Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”631a1462-ee2e-4c59-9a21-7104f6a5bbde”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A férfi az eljárás során végig tagadott.”,”shortLead”:”A férfi az eljárás során végig tagadott.”,”id”:”20200911_eroszak_mindszent”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”ce2e1d5d-64d7-41a1-a823-1e89a8bb126e”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20200911_eroszak_mindszent”,”timestamp”:”2020. szeptember. 11. 20:46″,”title”:”Tíz évet kapott egy mindszenti …

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