became a murderer in the Bayern Munich strike after he left

[ad_1] The German world champion footballer, former club of Jrome Boateng, Kasia Lenhardt, was found dead in a Berlin apartment. The German flew home to Germany from the club championship in the audience. According to the Daily Mail, the 25-child Polish model committed a murder on her son’s sixth birthday, …

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EUrologist: The European Medicines Agency is not investigating the Russian vaccine

[ad_1] EUrologist: European Medicines Agency does not investigate Russian vaccine Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”b886ad27-fa9e-4c81-8dc7-cae910e29d84″,”c_author”:”EUrologus”,”category”:”eurologus”,”description”:”Brüsszel jóváhagyása nélkül nem jutnak forrásokhoz a tagállamok a helyreállítási alapból, ezért már most komoly egyeztetések folynak a fővárosok és az Európai …

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The Hungarian soldiers received a new armor.

[ad_1] Last December it was officially announced that the Army would regularize more than 300 Gidrán 4×4 wheeled armored military vehicles. The vehicles will be manufactured in Hungary in Kaposvár on the model of the Turkish military vehicles Nurol Makina Ejder Yalcin and NMS 4×4: The vehicles to be delivered …

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A Hungarian housewife was brutally murdered in Germany

[ad_1] The body of a Hungarian housewife who was murdered in Germany was found in a torn heater, without documents, last December, which has now been identified, writes Bors. On 4 December Diana B., 48, disappeared and disappeared from the official website of the Hungarian police. Ózd’s wife traveled to …

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