At home: the Ministry of Finance has lost a lawsuit against Transparency International

[ad_1] Start: Ministry of Finance loses lawsuit against Transparency International Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”98aa9af4-ce10-4c35-970c-dd7b5f1cc5e6″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Magyarország külügyminisztere az állami közbeszerzések egyik legnagyobb nyertesének jachtján nyaralt, de továbbra sincs itt semmi látnivaló. “,”shortLead”:”Magyarország külügyminisztere az állami közbeszerzések egyik …

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US Ambassador David Cornstein resigned

[ad_1] David Cornstein, the US ambassador in Budapest, resigned. The resignation was posted on the embassy’s Facebook page. With deep feelings of pride and some sadness, I informed President Trump and Secretary of State Szijjártó that I would resign as the United States ambassador to Hungary on November 1. It …

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US Ambassador David Cornstein leaves Budapest

[ad_1] Subscribe to the Epidemic Newsletter Epidemiological Bulletin 444 is published every day of the week. Sign up and take care of each other! “I am deeply proud and somewhat saddened to announce to President Trump and Secretary of State Szijjártó that I will resign as US Ambassador to Hungary …

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At home: Hereditary material of the coronavirus is rising in the sewage of several Hungarian cities

[ad_1] At home: hereditary material of the coronavirus is increasing in the sewage of several Hungarian cities Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f54085fe-db5c-4f43-9936-49e7ed26abc0″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Az ítéletre várók többségét élet elleni bűncselekménnyel vádolják.”,”shortLead”:”Az ítéletre várók többségét élet elleni bűncselekménnyel vádolják.”,”id”:”20200914_rackeve_tomegverekedes_vademeles”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”1195c071-a738-4edf-985e-f334264c03f9″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20200914_rackeve_tomegverekedes_vademeles”,”timestamp”:”2020. …

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Technology: Ferenc Jakab – Death Toll Will Hugely Increase Over The Next Weeks

[ad_1] Technology: Jakab Ferenc: the number of deaths will increase significantly in the coming weeks Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”50bf6b7e-8b1f-44b9-925a-e415b68bac86″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”A pontos szivárogtatásairól ismert Jon Prosser ezúttal néhány koncepcióképet mutatott arról, az általa ismert információk alapján hogyan …

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BL: Dinamo won’t be our biggest opponent – Rebrov

[ad_1] Head coach Serhiy Rebrov says the most important thing is for his team to believe in themselves as they deserve to be there in the Champions League playoffs. Dávid Sigér feels a healthy desire for revenge due to last year’s elimination and hopes to run as hard as he …

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