Index – National – Pneumologist Ban List

[ad_1] We have already written the opinion of Dr. Márta Fényes in a previous article, in which the doctor defended the use of a mask during sports practice, saying that with forced breathing, without a mask, the blown air can reach up to 5-10 meters and everything it contains, that …

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Bundesliga: we also wanted to set an example – Flick

[ad_1] As is known, Bayern Munich beat Leipzig 1-0 in the super ranking of the 27th round of the German flagship football league (Bundesliga). After the match, Bavarian head coach Hans-Dieter Flick praised both teams, while guest coach Julian Nagelsmann expressed frustration. Bavarians can breathe: they moved away from Leipzig …

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At home: Boldogkői: schools should not open in April, protected people should receive strong licenses

[ad_1] At home: Boldogkői: Don’t open schools in April, protect protected people with strong licenses | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f75eb004-709a-40d9-9bf4-51ed36257759″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”A március újabb lezárásokat hozott, Nagy Feró Kossuth-díjas lett, a virágárusok munkáját pedig maga Orbán Viktor díjazta. …

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Life + Style: 18-year-old rapper made a million dollars in hours on OnlyFans

[ad_1] Life + Style: 18-year-old rapper made $ 1 million in hours with OnlyFans | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”28f1d6f5-3f9f-406e-9d62-6c01e1de6f41″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Meglepően télies az időjárás a hegyekben.”,”shortLead”:”Meglepően télies az időjárás a hegyekben.”,”id”:”20210403_Havazik_a_Matraban_sielni_is_lehet”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”fd467693-dfc2-4f9f-b202-bd7c1336eefb”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/elet/20210403_Havazik_a_Matraban_sielni_is_lehet”,”timestamp”:”2021. április. 03. 15:32″,”title”:”Havazik a Mátrában, síelni is …

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Zsolt Boldogkői: Let’s not open schools in April

[ad_1] In terms of vaccination, we are becoming more and more global, which will soon have a beneficial effect even on today’s unfavorable health statistics. We still have two problems to solve, he wrote. Zsolt Boldogkői molecular biologist Saturday night on his Facebook page. We should ask and have more …

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