Sony has raised prices, not a bit

[ad_1] After today’s Sony presentation, it has finally been revealed which launch titles we can expect alongside the console, which means that a number of games have been developed that we can power on PS5 consoles from day one. The list was pretty good in the end, but at the …

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At home: two classes were quarantined at a primary school in Budapest

[ad_1] At home: two quarantined classes at a primary school in Budapest Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”fd366b11-d1fc-4189-93c3-51ea19c89e2c”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Nem lehet rossz most római diáknak lenni. “,”shortLead”:”Nem lehet rossz most római diáknak lenni. “,”id”:”20200915_Okori_romok_kozott_tartjak_meg_a_tanorakat_Romaban”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”4e7c1ae8-be83-4cbe-9179-e6e0ce5d697d”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/elet/20200915_Okori_romok_kozott_tartjak_meg_a_tanorakat_Romaban”,”timestamp”:”2020. szeptember. 15. 10:40″,”title”:”Ókori romok között …

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The coronavirus also appeared in the Institute of Oncology

[ad_1] 15 health workers of the National Institute of Oncology are coronavirus – confirmed the institution information from RTL Híradó The virus has already appeared in several hospitals. Doctors and nurses were also infected, and the hospital confirmed the hospital information. The hospital wrote that 15 of its workers tested …

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