These are now the largest cities in the world.

[ad_1] Defining the largest cities in the world is not that simple, as many cities are constantly growing and the fact that a city is also populated does not necessarily mean that it is also the largest. Thus, despite the fact that Tokyo-Yokohama has 38 million inhabitants, the first place …

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Economy: Both Fitch and S&P have confirmed Hungary’s debt rating

[ad_1] Economy: Fitch and S&P confirm Hungary’s debt rating | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”d482cc30-0b90-4698-b217-d2de216019c3″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”A koronavírus okozta válság alatt szerencsére azért akadnak sikertörténetek is.”,”shortLead”:”A koronavírus okozta válság alatt szerencsére azért akadnak sikertörténetek is.”,”id”:”20210211_Egy_Twitterposzttal_mentette_meg_apja_szervizet_a_lanya”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”366d6097-590e-4ec7-9525-f804747eefaa”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/cegauto/20210211_Egy_Twitterposzttal_mentette_meg_apja_szervizet_a_lanya”,”timestamp”:”2021. február. 11. 10:35″,”title”:”Egy Twitter-poszttal …

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The urge to vaccinate has stopped in Hungary

[ad_1] TO The measurement is made from the week beginning November 30, 2020, the propensity for vaccination has increased significantly since then. While in the first week of the survey, 15% of respondents were sure to get vaccinated, in the 10th week of the survey (the week beginning February 1, …

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The alarm sounded: British mutant virus sweeps the world and stays with us for 10 years | BorsOnline – Celebrity News – Gossip – Crime – Politics

[ad_1] According to British scientists, the British variant of the virus will assume the dominant role. According to British scientists, the British variant of the virus will assume the dominant role. The sad vision is shared by Professor Sharon Peacock, Head of the UK Genetic Monitoring Program. The first variant …

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Index – Meanwhile – Viktor Orbán: I’m giving a million!

[ad_1] The singer has been one of the most attacked people since the Britney Spears documentary came out. The male member of the former star couple spoke disparagingly about his former love years ago, almost mocking the singer. The words immediately sparked the chagrin of fans, Timberlake responded in an …

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Life + Style: Died

[ad_1] Life + Style: Died Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”daea7290-8992-4390-98ad-d03db4a96857″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”A halál pontos okát egyelőre nem hozták nyilvánosságra.”,”shortLead”:”A halál pontos okát egyelőre nem hozták nyilvánosságra.”,”id”:”20210211_Meghalt_Larry_Flynt”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”b30d3b08-c7ea-45c2-94a6-689c480b3f74″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/elet/20210211_Meghalt_Larry_Flynt”,”timestamp”:”2021. február. 11. 05:59″,”title”:”Meghalt Larry Flynt, a Hustler alapítója”,”trackingCode”:”RELATED”,”c_isbrandchannel”:false,”c_isbrandcontent”:false,”c_isbrandstory”:false,”c_isbrandcontentorbrandstory”:false,”c_isbranded”:false,”c_ishvg360article”:false,”c_partnername”:null,”c_partnerlogo”:”00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000″,”c_partnertag”:null},{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1e445741-c9b0-49f2-9948-918aeb81e72a”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”A járvány miatt a szerelmesek …

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At home: The seller of the thousand-hectare farm does not even know that Bárbara Rogán and her family have withdrawn from the purchase of the land

[ad_1] At home: The seller of the thousand-hectare farm does not know that Bárbara Rogán and her family have withdrawn from the purchase of the land | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”de18a885-c19a-4c4c-8ca9-2bd337f43397″,”c_author”:”Vándor Éva”,”category”:”kultura”,”description”:”Egy thriller visszafojtott feszültségével …

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