Company: Last year a dividend of HUF 133 million was withdrawn from Tibi Kasza’s company

[ad_1] Company: Dividends of 133 million HUF were withdrawn from Tibi Kasza’s company last year Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f7e57ca5-f154-41d7-9edc-368fc1147268″,”c_author”:”Kacskovics Mihály Béla”,”category”:”kultura”,”description”:”Biciklivel, szalagokkal és a charta példányaival tüntettek az egyetem kuratóriuma ellen.”,”shortLead”:”Biciklivel, szalagokkal és a charta …

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Coronavirus: There has been a major change in hospitals

[ad_1] Five rural hospitals have been designated as primary care providers instead of the previous 18 institutions, said Zsombor Kunetz, an independent physician and health expert. A new order has been issued from Minister Miklós Kásler and National Chief Physician Cecília Müller. The decree of September 2 establishes where and …

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Autumn has come next week

[ad_1] There will also be plenty of sun and heat early next week, it could be 30 degrees Celsius in several places, but rainier weather is expected in the second half of the week. The weather is also cooling down over the weekend, peaks are around 20 degrees, according to …

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