[ad_1] British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced partial restrictions on operations in the hotel sector on Tuesday to slow the accelerating spread of the new type of coronavirus, writes the MTI. However, the head of government, who briefed members of the House of Commons in London, emphasized that it was …
Read More »Economy: Oda Matolcsy’s dream, the central bank no longer believes that the crisis will end quickly
[ad_1] Economy: Oda Matolcsy’s dream, the central bank no longer believes that the crisis will end quickly | hvg.hu Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”116eed7d-e659-4a4a-a506-596253236b5c”,”c_author”:”HVG360″,”category”:”360″,”description”:””Magyarország ma nem a nemzethalál felé vágtat”, tehát illő lenne más, fontosabb dolgokkal is …
Read More »Economy: the epidemic did not shake the drug trade
[ad_1] Economy: the epidemic did not shake drug trafficking hvg.hu Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”9b876967-c46a-4b6d-a913-dbd3a25b70cb”,”c_author”:”HVG”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A legégetőbb környezeti problémák egyike az élővizek műanyagszennyezése, a hamburgi Fraunhofer Tengeri Szállítmányozási és Szolgáltatási Központban pedig erre találtak egy automatizált megoldást.”,”shortLead”:”A legégetőbb …
Read More »The government is preparing for a major step in health care: it will evaluate the staff of specialists due to the raging second wave
[ad_1] The Portfolio Hybrid Health conference is coming up. Now you must apply: Cecília Müller on Tuesday sent an official letter shared by health expert Kunetz Zsombor to the heads of the institutions entitled “Request for information on the secondment of health workers.” The national medical director argues that during …
Read More »According to the president of the medical chamber, planned surgeries should be stopped where people infected with coronavirus are treated
[ad_1] The second phase of the epidemic came after a very peaceful first phase, which gave the population an excessive sense of security, so it is important to draw attention: you also have to prepare for a large number of cases. Not only the population, but also health, “he said. …
Read More »According to a study, only one in five coronaviruses is asymptomatic
[ad_1] Only about a fifth of people infected with the new coronavirus remain asymptomatic, according to a new large-scale study by researchers at the University of Bern, based on the results of 79 previous studies. The study was published in the scientific journal PLoS ONE on Tuesday, writes MTI. If …
Read More »Enterprise: The Chamber of Hospitality has dreamed of a generous aid program for Pest’s hospitality
[ad_1] Enterprise: The Chamber of Hospitality has dreamed of a generous aid program for Pest’s hospitality | hvg.hu Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”24266d40-501f-4ad3-aebd-6d228cbe39da”,”c_author”:”hvg.hu”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A bíróság meghozta az első fokú ítéletét a 41-es, illetve 17-es villamoson tomboló férfi ügyében. …
Read More »The number of victims of the coronavirus in the United States has reached 200,000
[ad_1] Subscribe to the epidemic newsletter We send you what you need to know about the epidemic every day of the week. Sign up and take care of each other! According to a summary by Johns Hopkins University and Hospital Tuesday exceeded 200,000 in the number of deaths from the …
Read More »Index – Domestic – Szallas.hu exerted psychological pressure on consumers, the GVH entered
[ad_1] The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) found Szallas.hu’s operating practice to be infringing, as the accommodation seeker was putting psychological pressure on consumers with its urgent messages, so the competition authority forced the company to operated the service to a complex package of measures. According to a statement sent to …
Read More »Meteorologists expect climate change
[ad_1] Dry and uneventful weather will be replaced by rainy days and thunderstorms, and by the end of the week there will be a major change, but there is still a lot of uncertainty about the details. Wednesday night Veils of variable thickness and few cumulus clouds are expected, with …
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