Viktor Orbán pointed out a big surprise

[ad_1] … according to Eurostat forecasts, in 2020 the Hungarian gross domestic product fell by 5.2% – said Viktor Orbán in his parliamentary speech today. The Prime Minister has published a number that is not yet public (according to the statistics publication rules, this is unfortunate, but not unprecedented in …

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At home: Tribe in operation: 4.7 percent of the population has already been vaccinated

[ad_1] At home: Tribe operational: 4.7 percent of the population has already been vaccinated Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”91da9793-b6d0-4cbc-8234-9340b8865a90″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”A pártnak 52 helye lesz a 120 tagú parlamentben.”,”shortLead”:”A pártnak 52 helye lesz a 120 tagú parlamentben.”,”id”:”20210214_Koszovoi_valasztas_Onrendelkezes”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”a1843d60-9d7c-408d-ae77-046c04a642f1″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20210214_Koszovoi_valasztas_Onrendelkezes”,”timestamp”:”2021. február. …

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Index – National – Will there be staff for one-day surgeries?

[ad_1] As the second wave of the epidemic worsened and the workload of hospitals grew alarmingly, on 10 November the Ministry of Human Resources halted all planned surgical interventions. This restriction has recently been lifted, but this has multiplied the waiting times for an intervention. Most people currently have to …

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Coup in Myanmar: Internet exploded in the country

[ad_1] Netblocks reported that at 1 am local time, data traffic in Myanmar fell to its usual 14 percent, as soldiers were dispatched to various parts of the country. According to the French news agency AFP, there are fears that the army that seizes power is preparing to quell protests …

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