BL: Nguen, Boli, Uzuni have three FTC races

[ad_1] In the playoff round (round 4) of the Football Champions League qualifiers, in the first act of the duel, Ferencváros will play at the home of the Norwegian Mold. About an hour before kickoff, the two head coaches, Serhiy Rebrov and Erling Moe, also appointed their starting team, …

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World: Politico is a “must-have cover story” about Orban

[ad_1] Mundo: a “must-have cover story” on Orban from Politico Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”b4b4a78d-967b-42e9-8004-c8e0b25adf81″,”c_author”:”MTI /”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Vele együtt az egyik alpolgármester és egy képviselő is távozott.rn”,”shortLead”:”Vele együtt az egyik alpolgármester és egy képviselő is távozott.rn”,”id”:”20200921_perkata_polgarmester_lemondas”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”f9eb739f-410d-49ee-a016-97f29b46c30e”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20200921_perkata_polgarmester_lemondas”,”timestamp”:”2020. szeptember. …

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Index – Abroad – Facebook is ready to leave Europe

[ad_1] A ruling by the European Union Court of Justice in July overturned a decision that allowed companies to transfer European user data to the United States. Proceedings were then brought before the Supreme Court of Ireland to prevent Facebook from processing the personal data of European users on its …

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Female hand NB I: Siófok – Győr ETO

[ad_1] Here is the sixth round of the NB I women’s handball, and we are already facing a great amateur race, namely the Siófok – Győr ETO match. In the previous truncated season, Siófok won by five goals. Will you still win today? Stay tuned, follow our minute by minute …

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