Sport: Ádám Szalai wants to stay in Mainz

[ad_1] Sport: Ádám Szalai wants to stay in Mainz Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”695bb47a-7ba2-4f94-aeee-8d1c8a29e9ec”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Az autóklub szerint a kerékpársávok többsége káros, fokozza a balesetveszélyt, a károsanyag-kibocsátást és társadalmi feszültséget keletkeztet.”,”shortLead”:”Az autóklub szerint a kerékpársávok többsége káros, fokozza …

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Krisztián Zámbó got together before a performance

[ad_1] Krisztián Zámbó’s love betrayed quite a few things in the Winning Doubles, as it turned out that the singer once came to the forefront at worst and ultimately didn’t stay dry. In fact, we can say that for RTL Klub the show The Winning Doubles was worth doing, as …

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Introducing the Hungarian super laboratory, where coronavirus is also investigated

[ad_1] The recently established National Virology Laboratory is responsible for the detection, identification and testing of communicable diseases, new pathogens that pose a serious health and social risk, and for the establishment of an international education and training center. The scientific workshop, initiated by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology …

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Life + Style: Performing Arts: the Board was asked for a list of strikers

[ad_1] Life + Style: Performing Arts: Board of Directors Requests Strikers List | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”883a543d-63f6-4a4f-bc6a-410081954470″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag.zhvg”,”description”:”Ezzel nemcsak a környezetet védik, hanem a koronavírus miatt bajba jutott vállalkozásokat is segítik. “,”shortLead”:”Ezzel nemcsak a környezetet védik, …

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Index – Economy – Thousands of new Vác fans

[ad_1] In a few days, Hungarian healthcare will have at its disposal thousands of world-class ventilators commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which have already been manufactured by Hungary-based Celitron Medical Technologies Kft., Announced the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Commerce in Vác. Péter Szijjártó said at Celitron Medical …

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Economy: Moody’s changed Hungary’s fiscal outlook to positive

[ad_1] Economy: Moody’s changed Hungary’s fiscal outlook to positive Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”e7581a0c-9bfe-4ecf-8335-c5abb9886626″,”c_author”:”Parászka Boróka”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A magyar közösség szereplésére a romániai önkormányzati választáson hatással lesznek a belső konfliktusok, a pártjaik közti rivalizálás, az RMDSZ-t ért korrupciós vádak, a szervezet elöregedése és az akut …

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