Big announcement about Pécs: the active ingredient in a nasal spray known in Hungary can beat the coronavirus

[ad_1] During the COVID-19 epidemic, many pharmaceutical companies are examining their existing formulations from a new perspective for reuse as antiviral drugs against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In parallel, intensive research and development activities are underway to identify new anti-COVID-19 therapies. German biotechnology company Ursapharm Arzneimittel GmbH and Austrian biotechnology company …

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Company: the warehouses of one of the chain stores are vaccinated out of turn

[ad_1] Company: The warehouses of one of the chain stores are vaccinated out of shift Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ec302a75-9c72-4c32-8d69-b66c59545d24″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Az oltóanyagot Dél-Koreában és Indiában gyártják majd.”,”shortLead”:”Az oltóanyagot Dél-Koreában és Indiában gyártják majd.”,”id”:”20210215_A_WHO_jovahagyta_az_AstraZeneca_vakcinajat”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”53ce043c-49dd-4926-8b78-75657140ab0b”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/tudomany/20210215_A_WHO_jovahagyta_az_AstraZeneca_vakcinajat”,”timestamp”:”2021. február. 15. 19:03″,”title”:”A WHO …

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Sport: Mbappées waded through Barcelona

[ad_1] Sport: Mbappé waded through Barcelona Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”755bd8f2-01cb-47cf-9c65-2e6a9883cafe”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”A Quimby kénytelen volt feladni pénz híján a próbahelyét, de várja vissza a rehabon lévő Kiss Tibit. Közben vendégzenészekkel vettek fel egy különleges koncertet. Varga Livius …

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BL: Koeman doesn’t want to lie after such a result

[ad_1] FC Barcelona was knocked down by PSG 4-1 by the footballer in the first match of the knockout stages of the Champions League. Let’s see how a couple of protagonists saw the game! Messi scored a goal (Photo: AFP) Ad “The result also reflects a lot how excellent the …

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