At home: in a news about NER

[ad_1] At home: In a NER news | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”2a5fa2bf-b4aa-4a85-8cb0-10fb7b122af8″,”c_author”:”SSI Schäfer”,”category”:”brandcontent”,”description”:”Az ipar 4.0 fejlesztéseinek köszönhetően szinte minden mindennel kommunikál a gyártás és a raktározás során. A gép a géppel, az eszközzel, az operátorral …

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Real Madrid scored 3 points in a twisted match –

[ad_1] Real Madrid achieved its first victory of the new season in a match dyed with twists and turns, beating Real Betis, the two successful starters, by 2 to 2 on the 3rd matchday of the Spanish Football Championship (La Liga) on Saturday at night. Ad You can read more …

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Thus, sea turtles can find their hatching place.

[ad_1] A new paper by researchers at the University of Central Florida may help answer where the “sixth” magnetic sense of some animals may come from, such as how sea turtles can find their birthplace. For more than half a century, researchers have been concerned with the question of where …

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