Enterprise: Lészinc Mészáros builds a five-star hotel for 50 million euros on the Croatian coast

[ad_1] Enterprise: Lészinc Mészáros builds a five-star hotel for 50 million euros on the Croatian coast | hvg.hu Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”88a4985d-e642-4150-b87c-d5717c850a6d”,”c_author”:”hvg.hu”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Az Emmi szerint nem igaz, hogy a működőképesség határán lenne az Uzsoki Utcai Kórház.”,”shortLead”:”Az Emmi …

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What did the police do on Saturday?

[ad_1] This program will email you the title and introduction of the article, all you have to do is enter the recipient’s email address. You can also add some line comments to the message in the “Comment” section. Police released accident and crime statistics on Saturday. Photo: Napi.hu / Dániel …

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Economy: György Matolcsy does not see the future with good eyes

[ad_1] Economy: György Matolcsy does not see the future with good eyes hvg.hu Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f42bc951-a45c-4563-8a17-5c22d8e92287″,”c_author”:”hvg.hu”,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Orosz, kínai és vietnami hackerek próbáltak túlterheléses támadást intézni a hazai pénzügyi intézetek ellen, de Magyar Telekom hálózatát is megpróbálták …

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Index – Domestic – Gy delr Hospital Director: There will come a time when we will have to stop, the doctors are constantly fighting due to an infection

[ad_1] The general director of Győr hospital painted an ominous picture of the epidemic situation in Hungary. According to János Tamás László, several intensive care doctors and nurses left the service due to coronavirus infection or suspected contagion, and it is already many times the number of patients admitted to …

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