Cult: Orbán thanked the Poles for allowing Hungary to keep II. Zsigmond Ágost Child Armor

[ad_1] Cult: Orbán thanked the Poles for allowing Hungary to keep II. Zsigmond Ágost Child Armor Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ed6b1bf7-f187-4834-94cd-d27be50f81bc”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Az ügyészség fellebbezett az ügyben, és életfogytig tartó büntetést kér a támadóra.”,”shortLead”:”Az ügyészség fellebbezett az ügyben, …

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According to János Slavik, the data is worrying

[ad_1] The number of infected is increasing and vaccines currently do not play a significant role, said the chief physician in response to a question. In Hungary, not enough people have yet been vaccinated to say that the number of infected people will decrease, he explained. British mutant has a …

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The national consultation on reopening has been launched

[ad_1] The problems are related, among other things, to the curfew and the opening of restaurants. The government’s online national consultation on epidemiology began Wednesday night, so questions can be answered, Magyar Hang warned. The consultation is also available at and on the vaccination registration page. The questions are: …

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