At home: No one told the mayor of Becsehely that Orbán was coming

[ad_1] At home: No one told the mayor of Becsehely that Orbán was coming Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”c746f171-df7e-4547-8bd4-3c2f587a21e9″,”c_author”:”HVG”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A Bonafarm a gyakorlati oktatásban vállalna nagyobb szerepet.”,”shortLead”:”A Bonafarm a gyakorlati oktatásban vállalna nagyobb szerepet.”,”id”:”202039_bonafarm_akademia_az_agrarszakkepzesert”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”aa98ca76-5f72-49bd-b9cc-9484b3ef4771″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/360/202039_bonafarm_akademia_az_agrarszakkepzesert”,”timestamp”:”2020. szeptember. 27. 12:15″,”title”:”Csányi …

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Attack on Hungarian currency converters –

[ad_1] This program will email you the title and introduction of the article, all you have to do is enter the recipient’s email address. You can also add some line comments to the message in the “Comment” section. The number of Hungarians converting their forint into currency has increased, which …

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I’m afraid we can throw our summer preparations in the trash

[ad_1] After a complete shutdown, polls from the FTC women’s handball team are expected to show significant physical decline, and then we only talk about members with negative frames all the time … Ad Gábor Elek showed what happened in recent days (Photo: László Balogh) The FTC-Rail Cargo Hungaria women’s …

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Clashes between Azerbaijan and Armenia with heavy weapons continue

[ad_1] With the deployment of heavy weapons, fighting between Azerbaijani and Armenian forces continues in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region, opposing parties reported Monday morning. The Armenian Defense Ministry said the clashes lasted all night, writes the MTI. According to the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry, the cannon of the Armenian forces fired …

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agreed with Benfica, “they change” a defender

[ad_1] The Benfica football team reported on the official website this Sunday night that they have agreed with Manchester City to change the club to Rúben Dias: the English team will pay 68 + 3.6 million euros for the player, while Nicolás Otamendi will go in the opposite direction, in …

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Szoboszlai also fired the ninth; Holman Double –

[ad_1] As our readers have gotten used to, National Sport Online compiles the games of our toplegions from week to week. Let’s see what kind of meetings await our footballers playing abroad and their teams in the coming days! Szoboszlai and the ball: nice friendship (Photo: AFP) Ad The playoffs …

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