Table of Contents – Science – A new way to beat cancer

[ad_1] A series of laboratory and mouse experiments that kill cancer cells without drugs proved successful, writes A revolutionary new process is described on the Science Alert page, according to which this compound is found in the amino acid L phenylalanine, which is one of the amino acids that …

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Indictment filed against András Fekete-Győr

[ad_1] President Momentum András Fekete-Győr and Szegas Koppány Bendegúz, the party’s representative in Józsefváros, were also charged with the crime of violence against an official of the Budapest Regional Investigation Prosecutor’s Office. András Fekete-GyőrPhoto: Zoltán Adrián / According to the prosecution, “the defendants who participated in the mass demonstrations …

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Real estate: Thousands of homes will soon be for sale

[ad_1] Real Estate: Thousands of homes could be put up for sale soon Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”44f7bafb-f971-4190-b4de-4fae88b4660d”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Nem csak a pozitív tesztek aránya, de a súlyos koronavírusos esetek száma is rekordot döntött hétfőre az országban.”,”shortLead”:”Nem csak …

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