The basic transport exam arrives in Hungary

[ad_1] There are barely two weeks until the opening of the basic transport exam, which aims to help children move more consciously and safely in everyday traffic situations. The exam is at 4-7. It will be available to students of all ages, but the practice questionnaire can now be completed …

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Beat Bayern Munich 4-0 twice, then beat Hungarian triumph

[ad_1] On Saturday, Bayern Munich and Eintracht Frankfurt will meet in the Bundeslig. In relation to this prostitute, we remember the story that is mentioned as the strangest coaching party of all time, and that had a Hungarian protagonist: Gyula Lrnt, a thousand in the 1954 World Championship. fired. But …

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Technology: It has also become a Norwegian variant of the coronavirus

[ad_1] Tech: Norwegian variant of coronavirus is also available Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”109c202f-34f6-4436-89f9-3ae26bcaeea8″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”Megérkezett a brit gyártó első plugin hibrid hajtásláncú szupersportkocsija, melynek váltója nem rendelkezik hátrameneti fokozattal.”,”shortLead”:”Megérkezett a brit gyártó első plugin hibrid hajtásláncú szupersportkocsija, …

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Technology: For Mars to Perseverance, NASA once again made history

[ad_1] Technology: For Mars to Perseverance, NASA Has Written History Again Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”7cdce1cf-93f7-4b90-a8f9-2e2780243176″,”c_author”:”Kacskovics Mihály Béla”,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Hóviharokkal tarkított hidegfront érte el hétfőn az Egyesült Államok déli részét, Texas szinte teljesen megbénult. Egy kint tanuló magyar …

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