Ferenc Jakab: the chances of so-called co-infection are high

[ad_1] If the coronavirus and the flu are infected together, it can have unpredictable consequences, virologist Ferenc Jakab told ATV News. Already in summer, several experts have spoken that the cold, then the flu and the coronavirus, which appear in the fall, can be dangerous in several ways. On the …

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At home: Judit Varga: Péter Polt cannot be a party soldier, as he is not a member of Fidesz

[ad_1] In Hungary: Judit Varga: Péter Polt cannot be a party soldier, as he is not a member of Fidesz | hvg.hu Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1891eaa6-f12d-49b8-a3f5-bd7e2c0d1b8e”,”c_author”:”hvg.hu”,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”A Gazdaságvédelmi Operatív Törzs azt szeretné, hogy a munkáltatók adómentes juttatásként …

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According to Sándor Pintér, 73 percent of people trust the police

[ad_1] People are satisfied with the performance of the police, Interior Minister Sándor Pintér said at Tuesday’s meeting of the Parliament’s Committee on National Defense and Law Enforcement. They measure population satisfaction in various ways, through municipalities, schools, and school work communities, but last year a population survey was conducted …

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