Sunday store lock is introduced

[ad_1] 2020.09.30. 07:30 The exceptions are stores at gas stations, hospitals, ports, border crossings and train and bus stations, up to two hundred square meters, as well as smaller stores where the owners serve customers employing students or retirees. A proposal to amend a trade law was approved in the …

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World: debated the epidemic, the purity of the election and Trump Biden on which one fools the other

[ad_1] World: He talked about the epidemic, the purity of the election and Trump Biden about which one is fooling the other | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”e396e34f-9971-4d07-9eaa-f16b52abaf5f”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A férfi tudta, hogy nagy összegű készpénzt és ékszereket …

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