Technology: increased risk of coronavirus infection in people with a small Neanderthal gene

[ad_1] Tech: Higher risk of coronavirus infection in those with a small Neanderthal gene | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”d337db3b-87d0-4acd-a722-db436f171d67″,”c_author”:”Serdült Viktória”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Lehet-e az amerikai Legfelsőbb Bíróság tagja egy mélyen hívő katolikus, akinek gyülekezete csak a heteroszexuális házaspárok …

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Coronavirus: an emergency is declared in the region

[ad_1] Tighter measures have also been adopted in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, following the rapid spread of coronavirus diseases. The British aimed at half a million screenings a day. In Slovakia The government will enforce an emergency for a period of 45 days from October 1, and the cabinet …

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Veszprém won without a Hungarian player in hand-BL

[ad_1] Telekom Veszprém won 37-34 at the home of Ukrainian motor Zaporizhia in the third round of the group stage of the Men’s Handball Champions League on Wednesday. This time there were no Hungarian players, Y Márton Székely, Máté Lékai, respectively Ligetvári Patrik near Kent Robin Tönnesen He also missed …

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Home disinfection is easier than you think

[ad_1] We can also fight viruses, bacilli and diseases in general with the help of electronic devices and household appliances. This sector also offers solutions that can benefit everyone and protect our health. There are quite a few devices that can disinfect various devices, everyday objects and have been equipped …

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Coronavirus: Europe returns to spring in beautiful silence

[ad_1] Britain is well on track to meet its target of increasing the number of coronavirus tests per day to 500,000 by the end of October, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Wednesday. Johnson told a news conference Wednesday night in Downing Street that daily per capita testing capacity …

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