Here’s the two-week forint spike after central bank messages

[ad_1] On Thursday morning, the forint was around 362.9 against the euro, which was a 0.15 percent strengthening in terms of the Hungarian currency. In other words, the forint seems to be trying to get even stronger after yesterday’s strong performance. Today’s mood can be determined primarily by MNB’s week-long …

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Cult: Emil Novák was removed from the head of the Hungarian Film Academy after becoming vice-rector of SZFE

[ad_1] Cult: Emil Novák was removed from the position of director of the Hungarian Film Academy after becoming vice-rector of SZFE | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”79105eb9-c868-4760-8f17-d6aeb169d8d5″,”c_author”:”Szlavkovics Rita”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Simonka György korábban kiokította a dél-békési településeket, hogyan lehet …

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Sports: Standard was too big a wall for Fehérvár

[ad_1] Sport: Fehérvár had a wall too big for Standard | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”593968e9-5518-46f8-97fa-85c765738a28″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”Az autósok az utolsó negyedévben havi matricákkal már jobban járnak.”,”shortLead”:”Az autósok az utolsó negyedévben havi matricákkal már jobban járnak.”,”id”:”20200930_Holnaptol_mar_nem_eri_meg_az_eves_matrica_idenre”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”793de56e-f89d-489d-8ff1-e080555fccd5″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/cegauto/20200930_Holnaptol_mar_nem_eri_meg_az_eves_matrica_idenre”,”timestamp”:”2020. szeptember. 30. …

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