World: Joe Biden’s coronavirus test turned negative

[ad_1] World: Joe Biden’s coronavirus test negative Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”5dbf98e0-ac1c-4c69-bf2d-677fe8cfd22b”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Megcsalta a volt élettársa azt a pápai férfit, aki egy nagyon komoly – ám hamis – váddal próbált rajta bosszút állni. Ehelyett ő kerülhet börtönbe. …

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Life + Style: Official information on the status of the Trump coronavirus has been released

[ad_1] Lifestyle + Style: Official information on Trump’s coronavirus status released Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”70d0710f-5f0b-4bbc-b486-59f37a78cecd”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”A rendőség reagált az interneten közzétett videóra. “,”shortLead”:”A rendőség reagált az interneten közzétett videóra. “,”id”:”20201001_Vizsgalat_piroson_athajto_rendor”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”c0ffd8eb-9690-441b-90c6-29fd4db6ca93″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/cegauto/20201001_Vizsgalat_piroson_athajto_rendor”,”timestamp”:”2020. október. 01. 10:37″,”title”:”Vizsgálat indul a piroson …

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The transfer began statically in Eger due to the coronavirus

[ad_1] On Thursday evening, more than fifty employees at the Markhot Ferenc Training Hospital and Clinic in Eger were informed that the next morning they would be transferred to Balassagyarmat hospital to treat coronavirus patients. Many of the transferred herds indicated that they had received little information at first, nor …

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MTK failed rookie team against Budafok

[ad_1] In the opening game of the sixth round of NB I soccer, MTK was eliminated 2-1 by the other rookie, Budafok. The white-shirted guests did not give up their dreams of victory at a human disadvantage (Photo: Attila Török) NB IROUND 6MTK – Budafoki MTE 1-2 (Miovszki 75. and …

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BL: The FTC starts in Barcelona – the whole calendar

[ad_1] The exact schedule for the group stage of the Soccer Champions League has been completed: the FTC will begin its performance on October 20 in Barcelona. Dinamo Kiev will start playing on October 28, Juventus on November 4 and the Catalan star team on December 2 in Budapest. Ad …

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