Economy: the government removed the standing water well by splitting the hip in half

[ad_1] Economy: the government removed the stagnant water well by splitting the hip in half Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f704281f-7579-4aa9-a5c0-b38cd401b357″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”1997 és 2006 között volt alkotmánybíró. “,”shortLead”:”1997 és 2006 között volt alkotmánybíró. “,”id”:”20210220_Meghalt_Bagi_Istvan_az_Alkotmanybirosag_volt_tagja”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”d8f90184-4061-43d8-8060-6e04a91538bb”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20210220_Meghalt_Bagi_Istvan_az_Alkotmanybirosag_volt_tagja”,”timestamp”:”2021. február. 20. 15:54″,”title”:”Meghalt Bagi …

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Index – Foreign – Revived on French Roads at a Deadly Rate

[ad_1] The Romanian criminal gang that has looted truckers and trucking companies working in France in recent years is quite audacious, Main Square reported. The method fits into an action movie: trucks carrying potentially valuable cargo were chased by high-performance cars with sunroofs. As the driver clung tightly to the …

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Economy: And then the fall was also sold as a success by the government

[ad_1] Economy: And then the government sold the fall as a success Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”fbd01e4a-daea-426a-9c33-67cddbf2fd56″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”A csendet nagyra értékelő országban van kereslet egy ilyen eligazításra, de a kezdeményezés vitát váltott ki.”,”shortLead”:”A csendet nagyra értékelő országban …

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There will be a change in licenses from July

[ad_1] In the future, the deadline for the medical aptitude test required for driving licenses should be set for both professional and non-professional drivers in such a way that: its month and day are the same as the subject’s month and day of birth. If this rule applies, the time …

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Fradi won, Honvéd stayed in the relegation place

[ad_1] On matchday 22 of the OTP Bank League soccer match, in the capital qualifying, defending champion Ferencváros defeated Budapest Honvéd 1-0 at the Groupama Arena. Ferencváros will lead the championship with a 14-point advantage, but his domestic balance in 2021 will be behind the fall. Sergei Rebrov’s team came …

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The winners of the 4th selection of Song 2021

[ad_1] To Dal 2021 in Eszter Balogh’s fourth selection (song title: I would stay), Bari Laci (I was scared of you), Sayings (You do not have to), a Down For Whatever (Fall), Bori Hegedűs and Erik Tempfli (Sleeping pills), the CaucasusA word), a living room (It’s done), a Luscinia (Labyrinth), …

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