Sports: Ten positive cases were found in Formula One

[ad_1] Sport: Ten positive cases found in Formula One | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f950305c-d801-4c80-8758-d2a5fb42c0cd”,”c_author”:”MTI /”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Az utolsó 50 elhunytnál 32-nél szerepelt krónikus betegségként a magas vérnyomás. “,”shortLead”:”Az utolsó 50 elhunytnál 32-nél szerepelt krónikus betegségként a …

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Index – Abroad – Today the German unit turns 30

[ad_1] The (re) united Germany turns thirty on Saturday; The central events of the national holiday on October 3 will take place in Potsdam, the capital of Brandenburg, once part of the Communist German Democratic Republic (GDR), with the participation of German public dignitaries and of course the obligation wearing …

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Favipiravir is also being tested at Korányi Hospital

[ad_1] What you need to know every morning. The National Institute of Pulmonology in Koranyi is also participating in the clinical trial of the nationally developed drug favipiravir, the institution’s acting director general told MTI on Saturday. The study looks at how effective the drug is in people with coronavirus …

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Car: There was a fatal accident on Highway 1

[ad_1] Car: Fatal accident on Highway 1 | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”689f3d40-e9ea-4867-a8c6-f312d11ece37″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”A 25. James Bond film, a Nincs idő meghalni főcímdalával már az év elején megismerkedhettünk, most viszont a klip is elkészült a zenéhez, benne …

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I have my own Ikarus bus, keep it in the barn

[ad_1] Adam Laibl As a child he always looked for buses, after school he got on the terminal of bus 5, where he spoke with the drivers. By the age of 25, not only had he realized his childhood dream and worked as a bus driver in Győr for two …

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