Chinese Vaccine: Rejectors Got Very Bad News

[ad_1] According to various reports, it appears that some GPs are actually at the end of the line refusing to vaccinate with Sinopharm in China. There are places where they are threatened: if the patient does not accept it, he will not be able to be vaccinated for months – …

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Cult: More than twenty faculty members have resigned at the University of Theater and Film Arts

[ad_1] Cult: More than twenty faculty members have resigned at the University of Theater and Film Arts | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”841962d8-745e-479c-abcd-c5877aeeb644″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag.ingatlan”,”description”:”A 2020-ban megszavazott avarégetési tilalmat elnapolták, az önkormányzatok döntenek a veszélyhelyzet végéig. Aki nem …

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