According to Pope Francis, the market economy must be rethought

[ad_1] Urges radical international social, political and economic change, including a rethinking of the market economy and reform of the UN Pope Francisco in his third encyclical, All the Brothers, published on Sunday. With the publication of the encyclical, The Roman Osservatore a printed edition of the Vatican newspaper, which …

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Economy: The GVH does not deal with Orbán’s sports betting video

[ad_1] Economy: The GVH does not deal with Orbán’s sports betting video Do you want to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”e51b7a30-6e0d-4e2c-9d18-9ced9c6a6e05″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”A képek alapján nem is kell sokat várni egy-egy szabálytalan autósra. “,”shortLead”:”A képek alapján nem is kell sokat várni egy-egy …

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World: Trump was worse than previously claimed

[ad_1] World: Trump was worse than previously claimed Do you want to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f01801db-899d-461f-a1d1-ca12a4dd70ac”,”c_author”:”HVG”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Jóval kevesebben kerülnek kórházba koronavírus-fertőzéssel azok közül, akik szemüveget viselnek legalább napi nyolc órában. Erre a következtetésre kínai kutatók jutottak, miután áttanulmányozták koronavírusos betegek kórtörténetét. …

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Storms, windstorms, hail – plan for hazards

[ad_1] An alarm was also issued, an orange warning. Monday In addition to the clouds that change often, there can be sporadic showers and thunderstorms starting in the late morning and heavy thunderstorms on the eastern border in the afternoon. Winds from the south and southwest are intensifying over a …

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