They went to the dentist in Turkey, one of them died and two of his companions are still in a coma BorsOnline – Celebrity News – Gossip – Crime – Politics

[ad_1] Richard Molloy, 33, from Great Britain, traveled to Turkey with two friends for dental treatment, but something mysterious happened to them along the way. The three men unexpectedly collapsed at their hotel after arriving in Marmaris on the Turkish Riviera where they were being treated. The three friends in …

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People and dogs don’t look the same

[ad_1] Researchers from the Department of Ethology at Eötvös Loránd University have found that the brains of dogs and humans weight each other’s visual information differently. While the human brain is particularly sensitive to faces, it is not typical for dogs. The results of a unique investigation can help to …

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Long-hidden potentially deadly virus won the Nobel Prize in Medicine

[ad_1] Although this year is undoubtedly dominated by the coronavirus, his research has yet to win a Nobel Prize: another potentially much more dangerous virus has brought the greatest recognition in scientific life, sharing Harvey J. Alternek, Michael Houghtonnak Y Charles M. Rice-nak. The researchers received the Nobel Prize in …

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Flaming grenades and rubber shells disperse protest in Kyrgyz capital

[ad_1] Kyrgyz law enforcement agencies began dispersing protesters who rejected the results of this weekend’s parliamentary elections in central Bishkek on Monday, using tear gas, water cannons, rubber bullets and flash grenades, writes the MTI. According to the on-site report by the Russian news agency TASZSZ, the participants of the …

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Tech: 59 other intact sarcophagi excavated in Egypt, one has already been opened – video

[ad_1] Tech: 59 other intact sarcophagi excavated in Egypt, one has already been opened – video | Do you want to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”e2d62b52-6b12-45ac-914e-aef29bb38c83″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”A fonyódi középiskolás lány egy évvel a Miss Hungary döntője után öngyilkos lett.nn”,”shortLead”:”A fonyódi középiskolás …

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