Economy: the Court of Justice of the European Union has brought down Lex CEU

[ad_1] Economy: Lex CEU cut by the Court of Justice of the European Union | Do you want to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1136cc61-92c7-487f-a028-69796ca927b6″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”sport”,”description”:”Valószínűleg nyereséges lett volna, de érkezett a járvány.”,”shortLead”:”Valószínűleg nyereséges lett volna, de érkezett a járvány.”,”id”:”20201005_barcelona_koronavirus_200millio”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”a300e71c-b884-4bbf-88bb-5a4c0da5f2c0″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/sport/20201005_barcelona_koronavirus_200millio”,”timestamp”:”2020. október. 05. …

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Index – National – The Iványi received billions from the state

[ad_1] While, according to Gábor Iványi, the Orbán government has been persecuting its religious community since 2010, the Pastoral Charity Association, led by the parish priest, has received 2.5 billion florins in additional funding from the Ministry of Human Resources in the last eight years. The Magyar Nemzet writes about …

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Tech: Big Flame Among Brits: 16,000 Coronavirus Patients “Found” Suddenly After Learning Excel

[ad_1] Tech: Big Flame for Brits: 16,000 Coronavirus Patients “Found” Suddenly After Learning to Use Excel | Do you want to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f5269619-1afc-41e4-9cfd-75696f013389″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Nótin Tamást dolgozott már jobbikos és LMP-s kötődésű médiumnál is.rn”,”shortLead”:”Nótin Tamást dolgozott már jobbikos és …

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Budapest apartment prices fell back to 2017 levels

[ad_1] Rental apartment rentals fell 6.4 percent in August compared to the previous year, writes based on the joint rental index from the Central Statistical Office (CSO) and This is the national average, prices in Budapest have fallen even more: compared to last year, you have to pay …

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Index – Economy – Apartments sold in the market

[ad_1] According to the rental index, which shows the evolution of the rents of the apartments for rent throughout the country, the decrease was 6.4% year-on-year in August. Compared to last year, rents in Budapest decreased by 10.2 percent, which is higher than the national average. Rents were down …

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Coronavirus: national control begins –

[ad_1] A national investigation is launched: within the framework of a special priority action, consumer protection will verify whether service providers actually carry out PCR tests for the officially established fee of up to 19.5 thousand HUF, announced Tamás Schanda, Ministry of Innovation and Technology (IMT) Vice Minister. A service …

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Index – Foreign – Donald Trump left the hospital

[ad_1] At dawn this time, President Trump left Walter Reed Military Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland, to return to the White House by car and then in his Marine One presidential helicopter, where he also briefly saluted, removing his mask from the balcony. However, there are also many questions about his …

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