The secret history of the 2018 elections in 84 color pages.
I’ll buy it
Citing a violation of Facebook community principles, the page of the Movement Our Country with 80,000 followers was removed, the party announced.
According to the announcement by Nuestro País, first the celebration commemoration event in 1956 was canceled as a prohibited thing, and then the entire page was inaccessible in a short time.
According to the far-right pro-government party, “Facebook’s foreign-owned political censorship is not only undemocratic and unacceptable, but also illegal.”
According to Mi Hazánk, Facebook represents a risk to national security and, due to similar cases, a bill was introduced that would oblige Facebook to have a Hungarian citizenship representative in Hungary, making it easier to sue the company in Hungary.
Last year, the Facebook page of the party president, László Toroczkai, of 207,000 users, was removed.