Origo: The government will soon present the opening plan


The government will close a consultation on the country’s resumption this week and the opening plan will be presented shortly thereafter, Origo writes.

According to the document, a decision will also be made on the rights of holders of protection certificates. The first is Viktor Orban A video uploaded to his Facebook page revealed that the prime minister would support the card by granting an exemption from certain restrictions.

It is already known that these are not only administered to vaccinated people, but also to those who have been shown to have been infected and cured. If someone has been vaccinated, they do not need to apply for a card. The state sends the card free of charge, its issuance does not have to be requested separately. And those who did not know they had already been infected with the coronavirus may be eligible for an antibody test.

According to Origo, the government wants to win the vaccination contest and considers the tasks related to the vaccine passport secondary. Regarding the latter, it was revealed today that Chinese and Russian vaccines will not automatically be included in the EU vaccine passport, but can be accepted by Member States.

The idea of ​​opening, by the way, seems relatively distant at the moment, because today’s statistics also suggest that the third wave is still underway.

Meanwhile, at about the same time, the Index wrote about the possibility of introducing regional austerity before Easter.
