Organizer of Brussels orgy received death threats


David Manzheley withdraws from the public eye.

The organizer of the Brussels orgy informed Blikk in a statement that he had received death threats, feared for his life, so he no longer spoke. David manzheley so far he has been happy to talk about his house party several times József Szájer tried to escape the police by the gutter.

The young man does not feel safe, but politicians have also urged him to withdraw from the public who, according to him, had been invited to the orgies. You have to respect that, because they are all family members, they deeply hide their gender identity, he wrote.

In his decision, it was particularly important that he also received a threat from a former guest who, according to him, had “direct contact with the Polish Minister of Justice. He pointed out that the “cases” that had flown over him in “Poland and Hungary” were false, they were used to scare him, to silence him. I’m not going to comment on anything else, he concluded.
