Orbán was relieved: Czechs could still come for tourism


Starting on September 1, the government will introduce new border crossing rules due to the spread of the coronavirus, according to which foreigners can enter the country only in very special cases.

One of those special cases, for example, is when a foreign footballer comes to a funeral or comes to take care of a relative. Viktor Orban and made an exception a few hours before the border blockade:

Czechs can also come to Hungary.

All this Péter Szijjártó from his post, who traveled with his boss to Bled, Slovenia, where they attended the 15th International Conference of the Bled Strategic Forum.

Today in Bled Andrej Babiš The Czech Prime Minister asked Prime Minister Viktor Orbán that Czech citizens who had already booked their accommodation in Hungary in September could continue to enter Hungary. During the negotiation of the new regulation, we received security guarantees, so that if the test result is negative for no more than five days, we will also admit Czech citizens who have already booked accommodation in Hungary from tomorrow.

Said the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

So the Czechs will not only be world figures in the sense that only they will be able to enter Hungary from September 1, but their situation will be even easier if they accept the coronavirus tests they bring, while even Hungarian citizens they can only accept those made in Hungary. are accepted.

Thus, in today’s Czech homes it was not said “Chci zpátky moje peníze!”, But “Moc děkuji, Viktor Orbán”!

Featured image: Péter Szijjártó / Facebook
