Orbán Viktor Manfred Weber: you are the first to look at us as a bastard


Prime Minister Viktor Orbán responded to Manfred Weber on Friday, saying in his response to the leader of the European People’s Party in the European Parliament: “The situation is clear, dear Manfred. You want to change the current legal situation to create an instrument that can be used. immediately against Hungary and Poland. ” – quotes the Prime Minister’s reply as MTI.

In a response also sent to the MTI, the prime minister wrote that the main European media exclude, ignore and block thoughts that do not fit into the worldview that they crowd every day.

“This will also be silenced. This is not unknown to us Central Europeans. This is what we invented samizdat. Write, print, read, distribute! Sam izdat, that is, of ourselves,” explained Viktor Orbán.

He was the first to recall that Manfred Weber told accredited correspondents in Germany on Thursday that the infamous rule of law mechanism would not be established against Hungary and Poland, and that the aim was to depoliticize and remove rule of law issues from the debates. party politicians.

“The truth, however, is quite the opposite,” said the prime minister, noting that this was supported by various European political statements.

He quoted Vera Jourova, a member of the European Commission, as saying that “Orbán is building a sick democracy”; Didier Reynders, who said that “there is a crisis of the rule of law in some Member States, especially in Hungary and Poland”; Frans Timmermans, who said, “There is hardly a free press in Hungary”; and Helena Dalli, who said that “this mechanism is the way to bring Member States online.”

He also revived the words of the Vice President of the European Parliament, Katarina Barley, that “Hungary and Poland must go hungry”; and cited a statement by liberal politician Guy Verhofstadt that “it is not necessary to show that the functioning of Hungary and Poland is in line with the system that is now being installed. This has already been tested. It must be put into operation now.

Viktor Orbán also recalled the statement by German Chancellor Heiko Maas, in which he said: “Now we will finally have a tool that will be very painful for Hungary and Poland.”

Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn said that “the prime minister was quoted as saying” this cancer must be neutralized. Hungary is the same dictatorship as Belarus. “

On this basis, the prime minister wrote to Manfred Weber: “you want to change the current legal situation to create an instrument that you can immediately turn against Hungary and Poland.”

In light of statements by the European Commission, the European Parliament and the politicians responsible for the national government, “this can no longer be denied,” he added. “And you hope that we Hungarians will accept this,” he said.

Viktor Orbán concluded his reply to the faction leader by saying that the Germans had asked the Hungarians for many things in history, but “you are the first to look at us as a bastard. We are not them.”
