Orbán: The virus is not me


Not only is it detrimental to good taste, but it also underestimates the work of doctors and nurses for the Dialogue to use mortality data as a political tool, he said in a parliamentary response to opposition reactions after his speech on the agenda. of Monday. Viktor Orban.

Do you think people die because they don’t get medical attention? Why don’t the doctors want to save them? (…) It is not the case. Who do you put in the eyes that people with an incurable disease die and are taken away by the virus? I understand it for myself, but believe me, the virus is not me. This is a misunderstanding on your part

– said the Prime Minister, adding that it is not because of the ruling parties that people are dying, but because of the pandemic, and it is immoral for the opposition to support the deterioration of the statistics.

Tímea Szabó, the leader of the Dialogue faction, previously spoke about the fact that Hungary ranks third in the European Union in terms of number of deaths per 100,000 people, only Bulgaria and Slovenia have worse this indicator, and more people have died in the last two weeks than in the previous two months.

The Prime Minister also spoke about the fact that since the beginning of the epidemic, 1,014 billion HUF have been spent on protection against coronavirus and 2991 billion HUF on job protection. According to Orbán, the result of the first is that “no more people have died”, and the result of the second is that 4 million 458 thousand people are working, which is only 64 thousand less than a year before. But the Prime Minister emphasized once again that they want to create as many jobs as have been lost due to the virus.

Orbán reiterated that the EU’s coronavirus recovery fund was a loan and that there was a real danger that the European Union, like the United States, would become a debt community. He said it would be “giving up our country” if we also had to defend the Greek or Italian debts of the past, and said it was an existing threat. According to him, the opposition outlines a vision in which our children and grandchildren will no longer be Hungarians, but only “a group of people within the European Union”, and the idea of ​​a united Europe, previously represented only by DK, will be accepted. by all who would start on a common list. With Ferenc Gyurcsány. The DK president, by the way, spoke about the union’s advance towards the federation at last week’s summit against Orban.

Viktor Orbán also said that under the founding EU treaties, all member states have the opportunity to veto if a vital interest is threatened, thus the opposition’s opinion on the Hungarian-Polish position on the budget and the package EU ransom is a threat or extortion.

The prime minister did not elaborate. József Szájer scandal, although it was raised by all the leaders of the opposition factions. President of the MSZP, Bertalan Tóth for example said Tamás Deutsch gestapo, Demeter Szilárd He was also ashamed of his serial gas remarks and his escape from the Szájer gutter in recent weeks. He Maté Kocsisthe Fidesz faction leader responded, arguing that Tóth was more ashamed of his fellow soldiers, cigarette smugglers and video counterfeiters.

In his pre-agenda speech, Orbán confirmed that the arrival of the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine can be expected in the last days of December, but that epidemiological measures must be maintained until the vaccinations begin.
