Orbán: The virus is not me


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In his pre-agenda speech to Parliament, the Prime Minister said that everyone was looking forward to the recovery fund proposed by the German EU presidency and then to be able to deal with the loss of the UK in the EU. According to him, they wanted to link the recovery fund to political conditions, but “common sense prevailed last weekend, we defended the sovereignty of Hungary and the Hungarians for money.” Orbán thanked Poland for their scholarship.

According to Orbán, what was at stake in the debate was who would govern Europe, the governments elected by the member states or György Soros, whose power system we know very well in Hungary. He said that governments woke up at the last minute, Europe stood together and won.

He spoke of 34 million migrants to be resettled, who would be given the right to vote by the EU, and then mentioned a gender action plan: “Instead of gender, the traditional family model must be strengthened.”

He said that the first round of the vaccine could arrive in the last days of December, instead of the political struggle, Hungarian interests would have priority when it comes to acquiring the vaccine, but in the meantime he called on everyone to persevere. (Depending on the operative strain, vaccination may start next year.)

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will address the agenda of the plenary session of the National Assembly on December 14, 2020.Photo: Tibor Illyés / MTI / MTVA

MSZP’s Bertalan Tóth said: “We have to be ashamed of you, because what has happened in recent weeks means that they are talking about us in Europe and not with a positive approach.” He said the EU money was not just a loan, part of it was a non-refundable grant, and asked Orban not to fight Brussels, but fight the virus.

According to Tímea Szabó, based on dialogue, the mechanism of the rule of law has not been softened, Orbán’s general criticism extends to post-Christianity: – he asked.

According to László László Keresztes of LMP, the scandalous cases showed the true face of Fidesz. He said there was no migration in the European debates, and Orbán is fighting Soros rather than gaining ground in China or multi-Germans.

According to the president of DK, Ferenc Gyurcsány, “if we speak to our constituents at this level, we will despise them. The government does not understand what is happening around them or does not want to respond ”. He showed with an American historical example that joint loans can go a long way: “Those in Europe who have said it will be a more common world have won.”

According to Péter Jakab, a right-wing man, Orbán “sneaked” into the debate on the rule of law because of Szájer’s misfortune. He asked if we were waiting, armed for the second wave of the epidemic, where were these weapons.

After the speeches, Orbán said that he would close the question “who seems to have won his son, won”:

“What matters is what you think, but what is more important, what your teacher thinks. György Soros spoke, and I see that the owner is disappointed. “

Gyurcsány said he fears that not only will credit be shared, but public debt will also have to be paid together. “Going to the United States of Europe means giving up the 1000-year-old Hungarian historical tradition. The situation is as follows, there are two visions: one on the left, of which Jobbik and LMP are part, and wants to give up the 1000-year history of Hungary, ”he said, scolding the right-wingers for partnering with DK. “Those of us who sit here want our children and grandchildren to be Hungarians, not a Hungarian ethnic group within the European Union,” he said.

He said that it violates not only good taste but also the work of doctors and nurses that the Dialogue spoke of high death rates. Orban said:

“Who do you think is that people suffering from an incurable disease will die and be carried away by the virus? Me, but the virus is not me. People are not dying because of the ruling party, but because there is a pandemic and the question is who is standing still and who expects the statistics to get worse ”.

On allegations that we got too close to China, he said: “It was concluded that action should be taken against China. I would ask why Germany is China’s number one economic partner. I lived 26 years of my life in the middle of a Cold War and everyone had to settle for them. This was not good for the world, neither for Europe nor for Hungary. Why do you want to reinvent the Cold War? The new era that is coming is the era of cooperation. In foreign trade and economic policy, the ideological approach is wrong. “

He said that in early 2021 they will definitely start rebuilding their 13-month pension. (HVG)

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