Orbán supports the future of Romania


Prime Minister Viktor Orbán congratulated Florin Citu on his election as Prime Minister of Romania.

“I am convinced that cooperation between Romania and Hungary based on mutual respect can contribute significantly to the development of our countries, the growth of the economic power of the European Union and the well-being of our citizens in the years to come,” wrote Viktor Orbán.

The communication with the MTI was presented by Bertalan Havasi, press officer of the head of government.

Orbán expressed his satisfaction that the representatives of the Hungarian minority living in Romania have played an important role in the new coalition government.

“I wish that all elements of your government program can be implemented together. For my part, I would like to ensure that you can count on the support of my government in the development of relations between our countries, in our international cooperation and in the achievement of our common goals, “said Viktor Orbán in his congratulatory letter.
