Orbán: Money can become an enemy of sport over a limit


Viktor Orbán at the Puskás Arena on September 10, 2019Photo: botost / 444.hu

On the last day of the year, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gave a lengthy annual evaluation interview to his favorite newspaper, Nemzeti Sport, and to his own sports ambassador, György Szöllősi.

The interview has a happy atmosphere at the end of the year; It turns out, for example, that the prime minister is already waiting to get back on his feet with old friends, but there are also a couple of misunderstandings and difficult suggestions.

Of course, it is not known if this is followed by facts, but the direction of the references is that (ever, sometime, soon?) The age of money may end in Hungarian football. After some warm-up questions, Orbán immediately gets back to the point:

“Performance has to be paid for, but I think money can become the enemy of sport above a certain limit. Several sports have already crossed this line. Money can ruin a sport in two ways. On the one hand, if it becomes more important than the fight itself, if the coaches, the agents, the club leaders see the athlete not in the fantastic talent, but in the possibility of making money. On the other hand, if it is not skill but money that decides which athlete or team will make it to the top, the gap between rich and poor, small and large will become insurmountable. The world of football is more and more like this today. So I don’t care at all if the world of sports returns to its original mission. “

When asked by Szöllősi if he understands what he has heard and if a radical change in concept is taking place, the prime minister assures him that there will be more to buy next year:

“Hungarian sport is still a long way from being crushed for money. We live even more in the heroic age. We have classified sport as a strategic sector because we know its irreplaceable role. (…) “

Then there are the unadulterated questions from sports journalists: Szöllősi discusses the significance of Dominik Szoboszlai’s goal against Iceland, which marked an EC appearance for the national team, and whether it justifies the abundance of money Hungarian football has played in the last ten years. In response, Orbán teaches teachers the question of the tens of billions invested in professional and amateur sports:

“I don’t think it’s a normal attitude to regret spending money on sports fields or playing sports for children. Again, greed and greed are the reason for this. When someone sees a free space in Budapest, the first thing they think about is how much money can be taken out of it. While we prefer quality of life, our health should improve with it. However, I rarely come across a request for a vacant lot, an unused area here, to build a sports field on it. They want more a residential park and an office building. However, by raising our sports facilities to European standards, children also prefer to play sports ”.

The Prime Minister specifically addresses the issue of the mass of sport and then talks about how he is also very proud of the daily physical education introduced in the school, the preschool sports programs, and that they have managed to create a system in which preschool education, school sports, competitive sports, and necessary facilities are interconnected.

He also praised the myriad of negligence tao programs (keeping the Felcsút Academy afloat) to connect entrepreneurs and the world of sport, saying it was a true “success story, but no, or not just because it provided more resources for sport and made it easier. the functioning of the associations. I think it is more important that there is a living connection between business organizations, companies and sports organizations ”.

He also wanted the long-term agreement with each of the sports unions to be renegotiated and even held accountable, but only after the Olympics. That is, everyone should pinch themselves in Tokyo if they want to continue to abound:

“Everyone would do well (- if you left tokyo), because we cannot judge the elite athletes in Hungary differently, just on the basis of their international performance. And the Olympic Games come first, the World Championships second and the European Championships third. “

From here, Szöll diresi directs the conversation to his two favorite topics and asks Orbán about the academic system. This is an interesting part of the interview because the prime minister hints that the clubs initially viewed the academies with suspicion, but today there is a kind of symbiosis between them. As the founder of the Academy, you make it clear which side of your heart you are on:

“It is necessary to rebuild the entire culture of the club. In order for White Castle to once beat Chelsea, with whom it has only played a draw, it must also be a better winner than Chelsea. And Fradi can be permanently stuck in the Champions League if his cleaning lady is also among the thirty-two best cleaning women in Europe. “

From the interview it is felt that Orbán seems to be trying to balance the different players in the world of soccer. He stays in the clubs, but he also assures them that he respects their culture; can continue to work on current system:

“The clubs and the football they play are cultural formations. They cannot be homogenized from one center. It is good to have a Fradi heart in Fradi. In Újpest, you cannot bounce the ball at eight inches, because it is a shame. And at MTK, they can’t kick a big ball. “

According to Orbán, club culture is more important than performance itself, in Hungary there are also advances, but there is still a long way to go, although there were times, when Honvéd or Vasas will be as well managed as Barcelona or ManU. From here, he offers a brief description of why it was important that the Puskás Academy was established in Felcsút after Gábor Várszegi and the Sándor Károly Academy. These institutions played an important role in the mid-2000s, but Orbán said that in the long run, big institutions in big clubs could take over: “There are very few footballers in the world who can play at the global forefront without a job. tortuous, systematic and an academic background. . Great clubs with great academies. This is the future. ”According to Orbán, the academies will be integrated into the club system around 2030.

Finally, there will be a review of sports life. Among the main infrastructure developments are the construction of a large ice sports center, a pentathlon center, a national fencing program, the renovation of the Hungaroring and the construction of the Moto GP track. The question, however, is the football and the result. He also told MLSZ and Captain Marco Rossi that he used to dream:

“But with us, every game lasts until we win. And I also want to see us reach a height in soccer that we have managed to do twice before, namely the World Cup final. We are supposed to live longer and longer, so there is hope. Today, both are still beyond the reasonable, but there is no sport without dreams ”.

He also used Orban during the year, it turns out from the last question, but is confident that he will be able to play tennis again at the end of January, and for Easter he would like to play soccer with the academy coaches.

