Orban makes an early evening announcement


On Tuesday Müller Cecília instead Ágnes Galgóczi, the head of the epidemiology department of the National Center for Public Health spoke at the press conference of the operative tribe. The epidemiologist started with the latest data, he said that as many people had never died from the coronavirus in 24 hours in Hungary as yesterday.

Ágnes Galgóczi claimed that 80 percent of Hungarian settlements were involved in the epidemic, that is, infected people were found almost everywhere. He added that the concentration of the virus is increasing in wastewater at all measurement points, which means that the epidemic is still in an ascending phase. Therefore, according to the expert, it is important to follow the strictest rules for wearing a mask.

Kristóf Gál An ORFK spokesperson spoke in detail about the police action against a 49-year-old man at Herceghalom train station after refusing to wear a mask even at the guide’s request. The policemen were called to the man who insulted the guide, who also asked him to wear a mask, but he disobeyed it, so they finally took the denier of the mask in handcuffs, who is being prosecuted for violating the rules of masking or harassment.

A journalist’s question revealed that 1,071 health workers had already been transferred.

Yesterday Gergely Gulyás He spoke of the government being able to decide on austerity. Kristóf Gál said that the operational court had received several questions about this, but could not yet give answers, because the government meeting was taking place. He, in turn, betrayed him in the early afternoon. Viktor Orban will make an announcement.

Featured Image: MTI / Prime Minister’s Press Office / Benko Vivien Cher
