Orbán: Hungarian democracy is at least as good as German or Italian


Although there have been no responses in recent years that would have made Europe competitive, the Central European economy, led by Poland, promises a success story, Viktor Viktor Orbán told Hungarian journalists in Bled on Monday. The Prime Minister said at the 15th Bled Strategic Forum, in a speech to the MTI, that Europe is in trouble because it has not yet managed to define its new place in the international economy. In response to a question on the forum, Orbán also spoke about the fact that Hungarian democracy is at least as good as German or Italian.

At the Bled Strategic Forum, Viktor Orbán also held bilateral talks with the prime ministers of Central Europe and representatives of the Hungarian community in Slovenia, writes MTI.

According to the state news agency, the prime minister told reporters on the forum, “the conversation itself was an interesting civilizational conflict” because a well-known “British neo-Marxist newspaper, The Guardian” came from a journalist who tried to question the Western European language set. prime ministers on reality, and it turned out that “in other words, we describe and see reality differently and as a result, we see the problems of the future differently.

Three important questions

According to Viktor Orbán, it has become clear that central European leaders see three important issues as a common task for the coming years. The first is that Serbia must be admitted to the European Union in any case and as soon as possible, because without Serbia, the construction of European security is not complete, “immigrants will also get there.” There is a country that should belong to Europe and the Union, but it is in an intermediate state, and the EU can do it, he said. Serbia would come, you could negotiate with, everyone knows that Serbia is important, but there is no political courage and leadership in the EU to cross this important border, he added. According to Orbán, it is in Hungary’s basic interest for Serbia to become a member of the EU as soon as possible, so he supports the country by all means.

The Prime Minister said that security was also an important issue that leads to the economy, because seeing in the world that the United States and China have “moved away” from us has left the European Union because they have military capabilities that are constantly allowed. scientific renewal.
The greatest discoveries of the modern world that determine the development of the economy usually come from military research to the civil world. Until there is a European army and a research capability behind it, we will not be able to support the great powers that set the speed and direction of technology, he said. He added that we should have a European military force.

According to Viktor Orbán, the third important issue is competitiveness in terms of the production of goods. They do not buy European products because their quality is not what it used to be, or the quality of our competitors’ products is better, we are asking too high a price, the taxes are too high and the bureaucracy too high, he listed. The European economy needs to be “streamlined” to be competitive, he added.

V4 and the region promise a success story

The Prime Minister believed that the problems were old, they had already been identified, but in recent years there had been no answers that would have made Europe competitive. At the same time, the good news is that under the leadership of Poland, whose economy is the strongest in Central Europe, the economy of the V4 and the region promises a success story. They are also a problem with the epidemic, they have to fight for all jobs and investments, but in general this region has a much more encouraging image in terms of international competitiveness than the rest of the EU, and Hungary is in this part of Europe .

The Prime Minister welcomed the fact that Slovenia now has a right-wing national government that wants to work together. They are close to working on the details of a program in which the Slovenian government will support the Mura region with a greater amount and the Hungarian government in the Rába region, so the leaders of the two countries are personally committed to improving the fate of Slovenians in Hungary and Slovenians. He explained.

Orbán sees that they are moving much more calmly, they have found a form of cooperation with the current government based on sympathy and national friendship, which the left is attacking here. Here too there is a fierce struggle, as in Hungary, “here too, those who want to do something are marginalized,” he said. In general, the Prime Minister sees that the cooperation between Hungary and Slovenia is better than it was.

Europe is in trouble

Viktor Orbán said earlier in his speech at the 15th Bled Strategic Forum, according to the MTI, that Europe is in trouble because it has not yet managed to define its new place in the international economy. In Europe, it is difficult to understand that, unlike the United States and China, we cannot radically change the rules of the game, said the Hungarian Prime Minister. According to Viktor Orbán, the reason for this is that there is no common European army and related science-innovation centers that can be the engines of technological development. At the moment, the clarification of our current situation and its consequences is still pending clarification, he added.

On a moderator’s question, the Prime Minister said: In Hungary, the struggle for intellectual sovereignty is taking place:

We are fighting to enforce our Christian-conservative conception of democracy in the face of liberal views. We struggle to analyze European institutions and politics and debate issues such as family, nation, cultural traditions, religion and migration, not just from a one-size-fits-all perspective.

– explained the Prime Minister, who also emphasized that Hungarian democracy is at least as good as German or Italian and meets the European requirements for democracy.

In his final remarks, Viktor Orbán noted that solidarity is a common success, “but we cannot succeed together if we are not separated.” The economic and political success of nations is not the opposite of common European success, but rather their status and building block, the Prime Minister added. According to Viktor Orbán, the key to the future success of the European Union is the development of a common military defense capacity, the expansion of the bloc with Serbia and the creation of a competitive economy.

Morawiecki said this is why they value the attacks on Central Europe

Mateusz Morawiecki According to the Polish prime minister, Central Europe has been hit by frequent attacks in recent times because it is on the rise and its competitiveness is growing. Central European countries must show unity and solidarity without losing sight of being part of the European Union, he added. Morawiecki stressed that a central European position so different from the rest of Europe does not mean “that we are against each other, but we have our own problems and we have to tackle them first.”

Janez Janša the Prime Minister of Slovenia and Aleksandar vucic The Serbian president complained that there was a double standard between the western part of the European Union and the others.

Andrej Babis The Czech Prime Minister stressed that the European Union was responding too slowly to challenges, and this was reflected in the treatment of the coronavirus epidemic.

Boyko borisov According to the Bulgarian Prime Minister, the world has not been able to cope with the coronavirus epidemic, countries have not shown solidarity, they were not prepared for the pandemic and everyone wanted to save their own skin first and foremost.

Andrej Plenkovic According to the Croatian prime minister, one of the most important tasks is to find the right balance between the national and European response for when the second wave of the epidemic begins.

Giuseppe Conte the Italian prime minister said he was confident that the European Union would be closer to its citizens in the future. The EU cannot remain an elitist utopia and must be able to meet the needs of its citizens, he noted.

Unprecedented responses to an unprecedented crisis

Kristalina Georgieva, the director of the International Monetary Fund, stressed that in recent months there have been unprecedented responses to an unprecedented crisis, which will result in 170 countries ending the year poorer than they began in early 2020. Georgieva commented that it had succeeded in supporting the world economy through a joint effort to promote liquidity. Had this not happened, it could have resulted in massive state bankruptcy and much higher unemployment levels than today.

In a video message, Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee, emphasized that the Olympic values ​​of excellence, friendship, respect and solidarity can provide a good starting point in the post-coronary virus world.

This year’s international conference will focus on the challenges and opportunities facing Europe, especially in light of the coronavirus epidemic and Brexit. The forum was attended by the Heads of State and Government and Ministers of Foreign Affairs of various countries.
