Oral karate continued with Ronaldo and the sports minister


As previously reported, Italian Sports Minister Vincenzo Spadafora said that Portuguese Juventus classic Cristiano Ronaldo violated epidemiological rules by traveling back from Lisbon to his home in Turin despite his coronavirus infection. The player and the politician then began a public conversation with each other.

According to the Italian Sports Minister, fame and knowledge do not give Ronaldo the right to be arrogant and disrespectful (Photo: AFP)


Cristiano Ronaldo did not violate health rules. Vincenzo Spadafora He described the Italian Sports Minister as a liar and the politician described the Portuguese forward as arrogant and also a liar.

Spadafora said Thursday that Ronaldo broke the rules when, despite a positive coronavirus test, the national team returned to Italy by private plane from their training camp in Portugal on Wednesday.

The attacker said on Friday from his community that his conscience is clear as he has followed the protocol and will continue to abide by it in the future. What he did, he did with permission.

“An Italian gentleman whose name I will not mention said that I did not follow the rules. This is simply a lie. I did everything right, I didn’t get in touch with anyone “ Wrote the 35-year-old European champion.

Ronaldo spends the quarantine period in his Turin villa, asymptomatic for the moment.

Spadafora then reacted that fame and knowledge do not entitle any player to be arrogant, disrespectful or lie.

“Otherwise! The more known you are, the more you should feel responsible to think before speaking and setting a good example.” Said the sports minister.

He added that he, for his part, considers the case closed and wanted all those infected to recover quickly.
