Opposition mayors of nine county cities resigned as president of the Association of Cities with County Rights


The nine non-governmental mayors of the Association of County Municipalities (MJVSZ), which groups the leaders of 23 county municipalities, said in a statement that they would not pay membership dues to the organization because they could not spend on it due to withdrawals. announced by the government over the weekend, Mérce said.

‼ You will not receive MJVSZ membership dues from the local government budget‼

⛔️ We delimit ourselves from the Association of County Municipalities …

Posted by Attila Péterffy on Monday, December 21, 2020

Attila Péterffy, The Mayor of Pécs wrote:

We distance ourselves from the statement issued by the president of the Association of County Municipalities (MJVSZ). I ask By Károly Szitarepresent the association professionally in the future and refrain from making political statements on behalf of the organization as a whole. Together we decided to spend several million guilders on the MJVSZ membership fee in the 2021 budget for epidemic protection, as we will need each guilder after deducting local business tax revenue.

The Fidesz mayor of Kaposvár did not protest, and even welcomed, the government’s decision to eliminate half of the business tax for small and medium-sized businesses and sole proprietorships next year. However, according to various city leaders, this means the end of self-government.

On Saturday Viktor Orban Although he consulted the members of the MJVSZ about the government’s decision, according to Attila Péterffy, who was the only opponent of the conciliation, it was only a sham conciliation, where the government “swept away” the arguments against the tax reduction. business.

The nine opposition mayors not only distanced themselves from Károly Szita’s statement, but also suggested that they might withdraw from the MJVSZ.

The list of protesters is as follows:

  • Attila Péterffy, Mayor of the City of Pécs, Co-President of the Association of Cities with County Rights
  • László Botka, Mayor of Szeged
  • Paul Veres, Mayor of Miskolc
  • András Nemény, Mayor of Szombathely
  • László Csőzik, Mayor of Érd
  • Péter Márki-Zay, Mayor of Hódmezővásárhely
  • Zsolt Fekete, Mayor of Salgótarján
  • Szűcsné Posztovics Ilona, Mayor of Tatabánya
  • Tamás Pintér, Mayor of Dunaújváros
