Opposition Coalition Official – Joint Candidates, Prime Minister Candidate, Joint Program and Common List


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“The decision was made at the last meeting of the presidents of the opposition parties this year: the opposition will stand on a common list in the 2022 parliamentary elections, thus expressing the unity of the nation, which will bring about a change of government and one was for Hungary at the same time, “said the opposition parties.

Politicians from Jobbik, the MSZP, the DK, the LMP, the Dialogue and the Momentum, along with independent members of parliament, will hold a vote of resistance to the government on the steps of Parliament on January 3, 2019.Photo: Koszticsák Szilárd / MTI / MTVA

In each of the 106 districts, they start with common candidates, a common prime ministerial candidate, a common program, and already a common roster, and they promise to break the Orbán system to give “the nation everything that was promised in the moment of regime change: freedom and prosperity ”.

The presidents of the opposition parties adopted a joint list of conditions Guarantees of the Change of Era They also state: “The aim of your association is to create an independent, livable and proud Hungary.”

The parties that draw up the common list undertake to nominate only people who have not participated in a crime of corruption and have not played against Fidesz, which “ does not provide Hungarians with better support or salary, even in a crisis, but That bleeds it through business tax. municipalities led by the opposition, which makes it even more difficult to protect the population, ”they write.

The parties undertake to bring prosperity and social peace, to clean up public life, to restore the rule of law and to confront the past in a real way, including through the disclosure of the files of the agents.

2020 was an extraordinary year. The coronavirus epidemic and the deepening economic crisis that followed put us to the test, and the government has also used this dire crisis to further strengthen its already unprecedented power.

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