Operational tension: young people are “fighting” on the open terraces of fast food restaurants


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The usual numbers of the operational press “press conference” are:

  • So far, there are 336 people who have voluntarily agreed to be electronically screened by the police to download software in the official household quarantine.
  • everybody
    There are 10,356 people in official household quarantine, a number that has increased by 965 in the past 24 hours. During on-site inspections, 41 police actions were required in one day.
  • In Budapest and Pest County, 564 cases were taken against those who violated curfew rules on Saturday, of whom 340 were warned, 124 were fined on the spot and 99 people were reported.
  • A total of 48,218 measures of this type have been required since March 28.

Lt. Col. Róbert Kiss also spoke about the rural situation, where he mainly checks distance rules, observing shopping time zones in stores, and wearing a mask, scarf, or shawl. On Saturday, 147 actions were required, including 84 warnings, 41 fines on the spot and 22 complaints.

The operator must ensure that the protective distance is maintained on restaurant terraces. They find that

especially on the open terraces of fast food restaurants, young people “collide”

and don’t pay enough attention to the distance. The lieutenant colonel asked them to follow protective measures for their own safety and that of others.

He spoke separately about the Lake Balaton area, where inspections are also taking place. In Somogy County, 16 actions, 13 warnings, 1 on-site fine and 2 reports were required on Saturday, while in Zala County there were 4 warnings, 1 on-site fine and 4 reports.

In addition to failing to observe the safe distance, he rated as typical in these counties that people did not wear proper protective equipment at public transportation stops. (MTI)

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