Operating stress: Samples taken by medical universities are also included in core data


3,213 were confirmed infected, 405 died, 904 were already cured, we currently have 1904 infected active, 62 percent of them are from Budapest or Pest county – operational staff began the briefing on Saturday Kristóf Gál, ORFK spokesperson. He also reported that 103,258 samples had been taken so far, and these data now record samples taken under the medical university’s program to measure infectivity in the country.

Kiss robert Lieutenant Colonel recalled that there were significant changes to the eviction rules during the week. The government decree went into effect on May 4, as a result of which travel restrictions were maintained in Budapest and Pest County, but the rules were relaxed in the field, and 266 people can now use the app to monitor and enforce the application. if the rules

János Slavik, the chief infectologist at St. Ladislaus Hospital, reminded everyone this time how much we still don’t know about the coronavirus. For example, exactly where it comes from, why the bat’s immune system defends itself so effectively, how it spreads from person to person, how it is not known who and why it will be seriously ill, and who and why they only produce symptoms. mild. He also recorded not knowing when he will be vaccinated. He also spoke about the increase in the number of healers, as he said, who go to the hospital in a serious condition, spend up to 3-4 weeks in institutions, which have signs of the disease with milder symptoms and can overcome it in 1-2 weeks. . He asked everyone if he was on the way to wear a mask, keep his distance.

It also turned out that, thanks to the opportunity provided by the new government decree, 31 had already indicated that they would come to Hungary to work.

Featured image: Tamás Sóki / MTI
