One thousand Hiroshima atomic bombs exploded on the Krakatau volcano


On August 27, 1883, local time, in the early hours of the morning, a loud and thunderous murmur went out into the street towards the inhabitants of the great Australian city of Perth, Perth. Far to the southwest, on the famous island paradise of central India, and in Mauritius, shocked people believed that an outbreak of weapons would beat the silent silence of the trpusi bks. In fact, the Krakatau volcano erupted 4,800 kilometers along the Mauritius line in apocalyptic conditions. The terrible force destroyed a third of the island in moments of detonation, after which a thirty-meter-high race started towards the desert.

“There is a lot of fire on the site”

It has been known for centuries that the Indonesian archipelago is the most active volcanic area in the world, with one or another raging volcano.

However, what happened at the beginning of August 27, 1883 there was no example in the history of human civilization, neither before nor after. The Krakatau Archipelago, located in the Sunda Strait between Jva and Sumatra, has been an active volcano for many centuries.

The Indonesian archipelago is one of the most active volcanic areas of the FldForrs: Wikimedia Commons / Creative Commons Attribution

The archipelago was located from the main island of 1883,

from which Sertung himself arose a huge line of pre-civil volcanic eruptions.

The Jyväskylä Book of the Jews, which has survived from the early 5th century AD, is the first major source to present a relatively detailed account of an explosive force of great force in 416 according to our time.

Krakatau was reopened in AD 535. In the following period, according to antiquarian critics, some researchers never experienced cold weather and fickle weather in Europe, including David Keys and Ken Wholetz, which are the result of Krakatau 535.

The Krakatau Archipelago is located in an active area, above the subduction zone of the borders of the Eurasian and Australian-Indian plates.Forrs: Earth Chronicles

It was published in the journal in 1681 by Johann Wilhelm Vogel, a Dutch explorer,

that Krakatau “… has a large volume of fire at the site.”

Before the great rupture, just three years earlier, in 1880, the island had the most complete scientific demand to date, which proved to be a valuable resource in the precise construction of other devastations.

Alfred Wegener’s name for the German polar geologist and researcher is the continental vortor hypothesis, from which the theory of modern plate tectonics was born.Forrs: Wikimedia Commons / Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin

The theory of plate tectonics has been established or generally accepted

not even knowledge could know exactly where the incredible activity that characterizes Krakatau comes from.

Today we know the answer to this: Krakatau is located on two large continental plates, above the active and subductive zone of the Eurasian and Australian-Indian plate boundaries, where the surface is much thinner than average.

The ashes signaled a near disaster

The arrival of the Great Cataclysm was introduced by seismic activity in the pre-emergency waters, which, to the knowledge of science at the time, could not be interpreted correctly.

Some of the lands proved so strong that they could be cast in Australia.

B chrom The day before the Krakatau explosion, May 20, 1883, the archipelago’s most volcanic volcano, Perboewatan, began to leak ash.

From 1883 onwards, the signs of the near catastrophe multipliedForrs: Wikimedia Commons / Paul Andrews

The ash column, rising to a height of six kilometers, was far from the open sea, and the sound of its other currents could be heard in Batvi (today: Jakarta), 160 kilometers from the islands.

Perhaps the end of Perboewatan was temporarily calmed, but on July 20 it was relived with more violence than ever.

The series of attempts created a new volcano, and the sailors were so strong that the hairs anchored in Batvia had to be strung with chains.

Sequential events are due to seismic phenomenaForrs: Universal History Archive / UIG

However, this is all just an introduction to near-catastrophe. Starting on August 11, the Krakatau environment became more active; then the volcanic ash rose eleven times.

Starting on August 24, the series of attempts became more and more intense.

Two days later, on August 26, the rest arrived at Pliny’s protected stage. The pliny section of the excavation means that the volcanic steam, violently released from the ash system, leads to a high column of excavation that penetrates the stratosphere.

Classic Pliny Fusion ashtray rising to the stratosphere on the Pinatubo Flat Islands 1991Forrs: AFP / Arlan Naeg

Larger extraction columns occasionally collapse through the cleft in the cheese, at which point pyroclasts of hot steam, ash and volcanic dust form.

which, starting from the sides of the volcano, destroyed everything at a speed of several hundred kilometers / rs,

that enters the tj. In the course of violent, explosive and erupted eruptions, much of the molten rock in the magmatrix is ​​released and the upper part of the volcanic image collapses, creating the system’s caldera.

A forty meter high wall of waves crashed on the dry ground

The final cataclysmic phase of the process leading to the natural disaster began with the first attempt at 6:30 am local time on August 27.

The third explosion turned out to be the most devastating,

whose voice was so loud that even at a distance of 100 miles from the other center, the value was 180 decibels.

On August 27, the attempt reached its last catastrophic stage.Forrs: Library of Congress

Demonstration; A jet engine powered by a full-turn airplane has a volume of 150 decibels from a distance of 30 meters and 120 decibels from a human airplane.

The volume of a fully inflated jet is 30 decibels from a distance of 30 meters.Forrs: Elter Tams

The sound of the explosions 3,400 kilometers from the other epicenter, on the west coast of Australia, was also very loud.

The last explosion had a wave so strong that, according to the barogrok, it swept across the Earth seven times,

And it wasn’t until the day after the breakup that it finally subsided. According to volcanologists, the Krakatau explosion was equivalent to 100 megatons, or 1,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs.

The largest volcanic eruption in human history in 1883, the ash plume from the Krakatau explosion and the strongest 50 megaton Cr bomb explosion cloud ever exploded.Forrs: Pinterest / Wells

The third explosion destroyed a third of the island, which was massively eroded by volcanic ash, as well as a bright eruption cloud eroded at an altitude of 80 kilometers in the mesosphere.

The Krakatau kitrse was once a lithographForrs: Wikimedia Commons / Parker & Coward

The series of explosions, which occurred on August 28, released approximately 24 kbk of fire into the atmosphere. After the first explosion, an audible filter started at high speed and spread concentrically.

The third strongest eruption is a 30-40 m high quette tsunami,

which wreaked havoc on the shores of Sumra and Java. No one has found a cataclysm among the 3,000 inhabitants of Sebesi, the closest inhabited settlement to Krakatau, 13 kilometers away. Katibung, in Lampung province, was overwhelmed by glowing ashes that drew an instant audience.

In Indonesia, scratches are also relatively common due to volcanic erosion; In 2018, the tsunami also claimed audible casualties. The aftermath of August 27, 1883, was the largest tsunami known to date in the history of civilization.Linings: NurPhoto / Donal Husni / NurPhoto / Donal Husni

The tsunami wreaked havoc on the coasts of Sumatra and Jva, where more than a hundred settlements were razed, causing some 120,000 people to listen to it. The tsunami also claimed lives off the coast of East Africa,

but mg has also thoroughly taught hair anchored in the caves of South Africa.

(Smaller seashore waves have also been detected in the English Channel.) As a result of the disaster, some areas of Jvu affected by the scourge were completely depopulated.

Sleeps with active cousins

The effects of the explosive Krakatau could vibrate around the world. According to contemporary meteorological records, the Fld globlis volcanic eruption fell 1.2 degrees Celsius in the following years, and it was not until 1888 that it returned to pre-Krakatau values.

The meteorological anomalies that occurred on all continents were also related to relapse.

Krakatau rfotja. The explosion destroyed the island by a third.Forrs: Wikimedia Commons / Landsat7 satellite, Landsat program, NASA.

Due to persistence, an unbearable amount of kn dioxide has been released into the atmosphere,

which was put in the air by strong winds.

In the upper layer of the troposphere, the clouds (cirrus) of the ice crystals filled with kernic acid, which significantly increased reflectivity, reducing the intensity of sunlight.

Anak Krakatau is still active today, with regular performancesForrs: AFP / Ferdi Awed

In the wake of the accumulation of knights accumulated in the atmosphere, vegetative crossed knives have become commonplace.

Due to the volcanic dust that rose to the altitudes during the eruption, the light-colored clouds multiplied and another optical consequence was the extremely rare appearance of the moon.

Gyngyhzfny cloud of light over SaimaaForrs: Wikimedia Commons / Explo on Flickr / Mika Yrjl

On August 27, 1883, the Krakatau caldera fell asleep and, fortunately, it has not survived to this day. However, the area is still active, as evidenced, among other things, by the attempts made by Anak Krakatau in 1927.
