One of the richest Chinese entrepreneurs has disappeared


Conjecture is growing around the persona of Jack Ma, the second richest Chinese, for more than two months, the man who had previously assumed an incredibly lively public role in addition to business has completely disappeared from public view .

Yahoo Finance reports that the former Alibaba English teacher, who is considered his father, recently even stayed away from the final episode of his own entrepreneurial talent show, Africa’s Business Heroes, where he could decide to award the grand prize of 1.5 million dollars to the most talented African businessman. . An Alibaba spokesperson explained Ma’s absence to the Financial Times with difficulties in making an appointment.

As memorable, the billionaire businessman delivered a rather courageous and controversial speech in Shanghai in late October, criticizing the Chinese authorities for saying he was stifling business.At the same time, he believed that international regulation of the operation of financial institutions would take its place in a club of at most one elder. According to him, the current financial system is in the industrial age, so it is necessary to reform the current system.

Jack Ma, one of the richest ChineseSource: AFP / Focus

Less than a week later, Chinese authorities suspended Ant Group’s IPO, also led by Ma, which promised the largest initial public offering of all time.

This is what Origo wrote about in this article.

By the way, the Chinese authorities did all of this on the grounds that fintech raises important questions for financial regulators. The Chinese government also launched an antitrust investigation against Alibaba in late December and asked Ant Group to reorganize its operations.

Since then, Ma has practically disappeared from the public eye, and not only has he not appeared in public, but he has not heard his voice for a long time on the social media sites where he was previously so active. His last post on Twitter, for example, is still dated October 10.

There is speculation, of course, about the businessman’s situation and, as Origo wrote, it was reported before Christmas that, in desperation, Ma also offered to hand over a portion of the Ant Group to the Chinese government. Any platform for the company can be taken over by the state as long as the country needs it, he said at the time, according to sources, in a conversation with regulators Jack Ma. But there is no recent news about Ma, and his whereabouts are clearly a mystery. beyond the information of the informants who supposedly accompanied the case closely.
