One of the greatest Soviet spies of the Cold War died


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George Blake, a former MI6 (British Secret Service) officer who died at the age of 98 and one of the most famous dual agents of the Cold War, was reported by the Russian media.

In nine years, the Soviet spy delivered information that led to the deaths of at least 40 MI6 agents in Eastern Europe. He was imprisoned in London in 1960, but escaped in 1966 and fled to Russia.

Blake was born George Behar on November 11, 1922 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. His father was a Spanish Jew who fought in the British Army during World War I, thus acquiring British citizenship. Blake himself worked for the Dutch resistance during WWII before fleeing British-controlled Gibraltar. Later, due to his background, he was asked to join the secret service.

Blake caused enormous damage to British intelligence operations during the Cold War. In an interview with the BBC in 1990, Blake said he estimated that he had betrayed more than 500 Western agents, but denied allegations that 42 had lost their lives as a result of his actions.

Blake was eventually overthrown by a Polish spy for providing information to the Soviet Union. The agent was then called back to London and arrested, but not long after he escaped from custody. (BBC)

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