One of M0’s biggest problems is solved to start school


Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő (NIF) Zrt. He informed the MTI on Saturday that the first phase of the ongoing comprehensive investigation on the southern sector side of the M0 motorway leading to the M1 motorway will be completed shortly.

On Thursday, the Department of Bridges and Structures of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics carried out a static test load of the Csepel Island floodplain bridge with 14 trucks, each weighing 25 tons, in a total of 5 load combinations.

Based on the data, the independent expert concluded that the examined floodplain load-bearing bridge structure and the load-bearing capacity of the heel environment can confidently receive loads from traffic.

Said the NIF. They added: in possession of the results, Magyar Közút NZrt. On August 31, that is, on Monday morning, the specialists will deviate three lanes of traffic on both bridges, in both directions, together with the total opening of the main crossing No. 6.

Featured image: MTI / Illyés Tibor
